Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.
Action is the foundational key to all success - Pablo Picasso
Fear is a powerful emotion. It can compel us to take action and it can stop us from moving forward. In this week's Monday Mindset, Luigi talks about the circle of control, and focusing on what sits within his control instead of letting outside influences stop him from taking action.
Taking action can be a challenge especially when fear creeps in. But the impact of taking action and breaking through that barrier can be the best feeling in the world.
Make this week the week of action
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Welcome to Mindset Monday by the Sales IQ podcast. I'm your host, Luigi Prestinenzi and I'm here to help you be the best you can be. Everyone has a potential to be the best version of themselves there can be. Sometimes things prevent us from capitalizing on that awesomeness that is sitting dormant inside of you.
This podcast is about helping you unlock your potential by focusing on one thing that can help you be the very best you can be.
Action is the foundational key to all success. And that is a quote by PEBLO Picasso. And why is that? My quote for this week, these podcasts, I produced the content I produce. There's an underlining theme to help sales professionals be the best they can be. I try to create content. That'll inspire and motivate you to take action to maybe do something that you might not ordinarily do, but often no matter how much desire and motivation we have within, we can sometimes just not do something because fear holds us back and fear is a very powerful emotion.
You can, it can compel us to take action and it can hold us back. It can really prevent us from moving from. But this week's message is all about taking action. It's all about the power of taking action and not letting fear stop you from progressing towards the outcome you're trying to achieve. And one of the strategies that I've been using of light is the circle of control is looking at what is within my control.
What are the things that I need to do that I can control versus what sits outside of my control. And that's a strategy. I really want you to think about this. As you move to taking action instead of sitting there and looking at an email and thinking, should I send an email cold email? Should I send a LinkedIn request?
Should I create a piece of content? And what if people don't respond to it? What if people don't like my piece of content? What if I look silly? You can't control that fundamentally you cannot control the way people engage or perceive what you put out. And yes, I love the professional. But as you've heard me say this before, it's a brutal profession.
We get ghosted people talk to us one day, they stopped talking to us. The next it can leave us asking questions about, you know, what did I do wrong? And was it me? Was it something I said? And it can just create a whole range of thoughts and emotions within however, it's also an incredible profession because we're able to make it rain.
We're able to, to help people see what's possible and take him from a point of not even knowing who we are. And knowing that, you know, our solution could help them to another. Them engaging with us and making some serious change in their life or business. It's an incredibly powerful profession, but it's a proficient built on taking action.
And that's my message for this week. If you've given some consideration to making a change to your sales process, if you thought about, you know, what, I am going to add video to my emails, I'm going to add, you know, creating a bit of content and sharing that content with more prospects and buyers or putting more content on it.
This is the way it's going to happen. This is the week you are going to take action because the more and more you hold yourself back, the harder it is, and the harder will be to take action because that fear it'll get bigger and bigger and it'll continue to hold you back now. You won't make mistakes in the content I create.
Absolutely. Have I created content that I haven't. Absolutely because I've lit the circle that sits outside of my control, dictate the actions that I take. So I have experienced exactly what I'm talking about today, but the one thing that I am committed. He's pushing past that barrier of fear is actually pushing through it and going, you know what?
I'm going to put it out there. I'm going to continue to challenge myself. I'm going to put myself into the uncomfortable zone because that uncomfortable zone is where I can really grow and I can develop. And that's my message for you this week. Think about what is it that you've been wanting to do to elevate your sales process, to do something different and take action.
Go to your door. Find time and book it into your diary, put that meeting in your diary like you would, with a prospect, you've got an, a grade prospect that time that you're putting in is that time that you're going to take action and do something that you've always been wanting to do. You've been really thinking about this is what I want to do now.
It could be as little as, you know what I'm going to start. I'm going to email some prospects. Cold email, some prospects that I've been thinking about emailing, I'm going to cold call some prospects. I'm going to follow up with some old deals and dormant leads, whatever it is I'm going to create that podcast.
I'm going to write an article. I'm going to create just a simple video and put a piece of piece of content on LinkedIn, whatever it is, putting any Jari and make this week, the week that you get it done, because ultimately if we continue to let. Prevent us from doing things different or taking action. We are leading things that see that side of our control control us.
So if this is a message that resonated for you or someone, you know, needs to hear this, please like, rate and share it, do this to help you be the very best sales professional you can be.
This episode was transcribed digitally, some errors may be present.