The Sales IQ Podcast

Authenticity Is Not Optional, with Larry Levine

December 17, 2019

The Sales IQ Podcast

Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.

Larry Levine doesn’t just talk the talk, using his real-world experience in B2B sales and learning by trial and error how to maximise social platforms, Larry walks the walk and has a genuine aspiration to help sales people sell more. International best-selling author of Selling From the Heart and co-host of the Selling From the Heart Podcast, Larry joins us to share how authenticity is vital for a sales professional, setting you apart from the “empty suit sales person” and helping you become a sales professional who is as a leader in the workplace and industry.  

Find out more about Larry:

Time Stamps:

[01:00] – Larry introduces himself and shares how he started in sales.
[05:20] – Getting ‘schooled’ by a CEO.
[09:58] – Larry’s definition of a sales professional and the differences between a sales professional and sales representative.
[14:20] – Mistakes sales professionals make in the industry.
[15:50] – Larry discuss the importance and meaning of value.
[17:00] – The concept of the empty suit sales person.
[19:50] – Larry’s inspirations for writing ‘Selling From the Heart’.
[24:15] – The core of selling, the fundamentals are critical.
[25:20] – Advice for empty suit sales people who want to change.  
[29:15] – Larry asks a question to those who don’t do the fundamentals.
[30:00] – Comparing sales representatives and sporting professionals.  
[34:40] – Larry’s response to the Debbie Downers.
[35:40] – Luigi speaks about a new goal.
[36:20] – How do we hit our targets while staying authentic?
[38:08] – Larry’s sales training methods.
[42:30] – How we can build a relationship funnel through digital presence and still add value?
[47:20] – The Biggest Influences in Larry’s Career.
[51:00] – Some places you can find Larry.

Larry Levine
Best Selling Author of Selling From The Heart|Podcaster|Catalyst For Sales Culture Change
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