Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.
This week we bring in a new type of podcast episode to help kickstart your Monday! We would love to know your thoughts so please leave us a like and comment with your opinions!
Welcome to Mindset Monday by the Sales IQ podcast. I'm your host, Luigi Prestinenzi and I'm here to help you be the best you can be. Everyone has a potential to be the best version of themselves there can be. Sometimes things prevent us from capitalizing on that awesomeness that is sitting dormant inside of you.
This podcast is about helping you unlock your potential by focusing on one thing that can help you be the very best you can be.
Do you sometimes wake up a little flat on Mondays or the opposite fired up and ready to rock and roll, but then you struggle to maintain, focus and get distracted. I'll think the biggest challenge many of us face right now is that we have so many things in front of us that sometimes this can impact us and stop us from doing anything.
For those of you that haven't seen the movie, or if those that have there's a movie called the pursuit of happiness with one of the greatest actors will Smith. And it's such an inspiring and uplifting movie because it's a real life story. Talks about a gentleman called Chris Gardner. And he, you know, he was struggling.
He was, things were getting. But he didn't let the circumstances of life prevent him from making that step forward from being the best he, he could be. And there's a quote that I want to share that the actual, you know, Chris Gardner talks about, which is baby steps, count as long as you are going forward, you add them all up.
And one day you'll look back and you'll be surprised at where you might get to. And want to think about that, because right now there are many things that are stopping us. Or barriers that have been put in front of us. There are circumstances that we simply just cannot control, and it would be the easy way out for us to say, to use the barriers, these things that are just happening in the world as an excuse of why we can't get things done on why we aren't the best version of ourselves, you know, letting the negative self-talk take.
And accept that it's okay. Because you know, the world is challenged right now, but I want to challenge you and I'm bringing this Monday podcast or for some of you listening on a Sunday because we have many people from the U S that tune in. I want to bring these because I want you to make that decision.
Just that one, thought that one action that's going to help you be the best you can be. So when we think about this, if we do get up a bit. In Monday. I know I've had those days. Sometimes it's not Monday. Sometimes it's Wednesday. We, you just wake up and you just not feeling it. And there's all these great books, you know, there's some incredible books out there on, on how to stop the day and be the best you can be.
But sometimes, you know what, sometimes you just feel like you just feel shit and yes, there's routines is things we can do to get us going. But when that happens, I want you to think about just one thing. Just do one thing. That's going to move the needle forward. And if there's a task that you need to tackle at work, just focus on that one task.
Don't worry about the 10, the 20, the 30 to 50 things that you might have to do over the course of the week. Just start to die and focus on one. And I say this because it's a strategy that I've used. I try to tackle the biggest challenge or the biggest task. Well, something that, you know, why it's making me anxious that I don't want to do, but sometimes I flip it sometimes I just do an easy task to give me that sense of fulfillment that I've achieved something you might think.
Okay. Is it a task for work or is it a task for something else? Sometimes it can just be something. Yeah. Right. You know, again, we, we we're governed. We're living in a world where social media plays such an incredible part of our lives. We're seeing what all these experts were, all these people, people saying, and I'm doing it right now, what we should be doing or what we could be doing, but you got to do what works for yourself and the message that I want to deliver this week in this particular episode is John.
Take one step, just to one thing, just take just one action. That's going to help you progress your day. So if you're not feeling it, just do one. To make that forward, step, that baby step. Remember that it doesn't matter if we don't make a massive leap Rome wasn't built in a day. Great things don't happen overnight.
Just make the decision to do the one thing. That will help you move forward. Just that one step, because everyone is on a different journey. Everybody is in a different chapter in their own book and don't compare where you are at with others. And if it's the one thing that has been on your mind that you haven't been, you know, you haven't been doing and you've just been, keep putting.
Make that a priority, get it done. So if this is a message that's resonated with you, or you think somebody else should be listening to a, please go ahead and send them this message. It's a short message. It's something that I want to help inspire you. Be the best you can be. So thank you for tuning into this episode.
I'll be dropping these every single week, short, sharp things to get us focused for the week and also share some things that have worked for me and things that haven't worked for me because it's not all rosy out there. So, thanks for tuning in, please like rate and share it if you feel it's a message that's resonated with you and make this week great.
Because you're awesome. And the world needs to see it.
This episode was transcribed digitally, some errors may be present.