The Sales IQ Podcast

8 Tips To Get Your Pipeline Humming, with Luigi Prestinenzi

February 15, 2019

The Sales IQ Podcast

Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.

Increasing your pipeline is the goal of ever Sales professional… but are you doing it the right way? This week we look back at some of the most important advice that each of our guest have given us so that we can push forward on our journey to becoming the best sales professionals we can be.

Do you have an experience you would like to share or something you would like to say? Then let us know in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you.


[0:00] – Host Luigi introduces this weeks podcast. Talks about why and his mission to help sales people grow by creating and sharing content.

[3:47] – Mark Hunter talks about what his definition of prospecting is. Helping others see and achieve what they did not think what is possible.

[4:51] – Changing the perception of sales. Mark has rant on his mission and talks about what sales people must do and be authentic with a level of integrity to create trust and confidence.

[6:09] – Mark shares his philosophy on prospecting and what strategies are working. Phone isn’t dead. Call the right person at the right time with the right message.

[7:55] – The social selling king talks about best way to start a conversation on LinkedIn. Talks about not throwing up on the prospect on social. Ask questions and start genuine chats.

[9:45] – Importance of Mindset. Daniel shares his view on what high performance looks like on social. Finding the right buyer versus selling to anyone

[10:40] – Daniel provides coaching on a real life scenario on when a buyer doesn’t respond on social. Massaging the prospect. Not with your hands!! Socially interact with their content. Don’t under value how powerful like and comment will have on warming the prospect up

[12:15] – Student of Sales. Selling with the heart by Larry Levine. Passion and being authentic is key. Hard work is key. Being committed to the work load required to be successful. Larry shares his raw and honest feedback about why prospecting and learning cant be beneath even the most experienced sales professional.

[15:07] – Athletes train all the time why don’t sales people. Larry and Luigi have a lot of fun and Larry is on a rampage and shares why being held accountable is key in any part of the sales process. Do sales professionals hold them selves accountable like athletes do. How many practice plan and come to work every single day ready to success.

[19:00] If we don’t practice, role play we are just doing activity. Move away from being the empty suit and don’t be a Debbie downer. Larry practices, prepares every single day.

[20:25] – Using technology to help you prospect and why using a combo model is key with Tony Hughes who shares a summary of research that between 7 and 13 outreach attempts required to get engagement.

[21:41] – Its not just the number of touches. It’s the way you execute. Tony talks about using different channels to engage with your prospect. Combination of activity grabs someone’s attention.

[23:20] – Why determination is key and having the right value narrative is focused on your customer. Being politely and positively persistent is key. Narrative is about them and the value you provide.

[24:45] – Mareo talks about what he does to get the best out of his sales team. Intrinsic versus external motivators.

[26:28] – Why creating value is the whole game in the sales process by Anthony Iannarino.

[27:45] – Product doesn’t need to create grater value. Taking out competitors starts with you, by being willing to create greater value through the experience with the sales professional.

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