The Sales IQ Podcast

Mindset Monday: Look Back To Level Up

December 6, 2021

The Sales IQ Podcast

Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.

"We do not learn from our experiences. We learn by reflecting on our experiences" -John Dewey.

As the year (and quarter) draws to a close, many of our minds have already turned to what's up next: 2022. To be the best you can be in 2022, Luigi has two things for you to reflect onthis week.

The first is to really really reflect hard on 2021. Remember, there's opportunities for growth to be found in both wins and losses. Make sure you caught the important ones so you use them to level up in 2022.

The second is to start planning for 2022 now, don't leave it until the year has already started. Think about yourself this time next year, reflecting on your year again. What have you achieved that means you can't wipe the smile off your face? Make sure that's where your goals are setting you up to go.


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Would "I 4x my pipeline in 30 days" put a smile on your face next December? Let us help you with that one by joining Sales IQ's Create Pipeline program in 2022.

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[00:00:00] Luigi Prestinenzi: Welcome to Mindset Monday by the Sales IQ Podcast. I'm your host, Luigi Prestinenzi and I'm here to help you be the best you can be. Everyone has a potential to be the best version of themselves they can be. Sometimes things prevent us from capitalizing on the awesomeness that he's sitting dormant inside of you. This podcast is about helping you unlock that potential by focusing on one thing that can help you be the very best you can be.

"We do not learn from our experiences. We learn by reflecting on our experiences" and that's a quote by John Dewey. And why is that my quote for this week? Because we're coming to the end of the year. The end of the year is pretty much done. There's only a couple of weeks left. And if you're in sales, you probably at that point where you're wrapping up some last minute deals, or you're looking at your pipeline going, "I don't have enough. I don't have enough quality opportunities at the end of the deal stage to bring it to a point of close. And there's a high, high chance. I'm not going to hit my target."

Right. That's the reality. That's that's that's, that's the real. Of selling, right. It comes a point where you've got to close it off and you're looking at it and you go, I've got it. Or I haven't I've exceeded or haven't, I've underachieved or haven't right. Overachieved a, but at some point you look at it, it's done and you've got to start again.

But this is the great opportunity because we have a new year coming and goal-setting thinking about the objectives and the outcomes that you want to achieve in the new year starts. Now it is too late to start planning in January or February. For some, it could be, could argue that it's too late to start planning now, but if you haven't planned already, if you haven't thought about the goals for next year, your plans and what you're trying to achieve in this is the great opportunity, this is your opportunity to do it now to really set the foundation for success moving into the new year.

Now, I can't talk about other areas of my life because I make mistakes in pretty much every year of. Even sales but I can talk about the outcomes that I achieve as a sales professional, because I continue to put my best foot forward and I continue to see positive outcomes each and every day, even when things don't go well, I'm seeing a positive outcome because that positive outcome comes from the power of reflection.

It comes from my ability to look back, look at your situation and go, okay, didn't go exactly how I wanted it, but what am I going to do to improve it? What am I going to do to build on it? What am I going to do to use it experience. As another building block to help me be the best I can be. And this is my message for this week, as we're wrapping up the year, the year might not have gone the way you wanted it.

I mean, for many, again, this is nearly two years of uncertainty of a time where, you know, hopefully we never experience the things that we went through these last two years. I think there's been lots of positive outcomes to come from the last two years, but there's also a lot of negative outcomes that I think mentally for many of us, we don't want to experience again.

But as we wrap up this year, how are you going to reflect on the year that has been so that you can use it as a building block to really jump to that next level in the coming year? Because this is, this is a great opportunity. It's an opportunity of essentially blue ocean. You've got an entire ocean of opportunity sitting in front of you, but how do you capitalize on it?

And this is where reflecting, thinking of what's happened. And then thinking about, well, what's next? What are the things that are important for me to achieve? So if for look back this time, next year, I can say, hi, the things that I achieved, the progress that I made, I'm really proud of. I'm actually, you know, patting myself on the back because of the things that I planned, I exceeded and the learnings that I wanted to achieve, I exceeded.

And again, this is the power of goal setting is that the activity I want you to maybe take before the end of the year is put yourself in the future, put yourself December next year. Like you were reflecting on the past year. What are the things that you could write down that could make you. Really happy once you've accomplished something, because those are the things that you write down that are going to become the goals that you're going to set for the new year.

And if you had an incredible year in your career from a sales perspective, fantastic, what's next. If you didn't achieve the outcome. That you wanted to achieve. If you struggled each quarter to close out the deal and you really had to grind it through every single month, every single quarter, and you try to grain deals, you try to bring deals forward because you just didn't have enough in your pot.

What is it that you want to be reflecting on next year and looking back and saying, bang, this was fucking awesome. What I was able to achieve, because this is a time to be goal-setting for the new year. This is the time to be setting the foundations so that you can build on the success that you've achieved.

So that you can even achieve higher next year. And even if this is a great thing, even if you didn't achieve what you expected, it doesn't mean you filed. And it was a bad year. It means that you had a lot of great opportunities that have allowed you to improve, learn and take your return on them. Because remember, it's a mindset.

We can look at it with a negative perspective or we can look at it with a positive perspective. And I choose to look at things through the lens of learning through the lens of, okay, that's the learning, regardless, close a deal. Plus the deal is a learning in both, but I'm better for it. And that's my message again, for this week is you're coming up to the end of the year.

Use this time to reflect, identify, write down again. Like I said earlier, from a reflection. Thinking about putting yourself in the future and looking back and write down the things that will make you feel really happy and increased emotion from that reflection pace, because that'll lay the foundation for your goals in the new year.

So if this is a message that resonated for you or someone, you know, needs to hear this, please like, right, and share it or create these content to help you be the very best you can be.

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