Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.
Despite having more ways to reach your prospect, engaging with prospects is becoming harder and harder. Why? Because you are competing with a whole lot of noise, interactions, competitors, platforms, and anything else they're focusing on in their personal life as they work from home.
So ask yourself, what can I lead with that's actually going to help this person?
Welcome to Mindset Monday by the Sales IQ podcast. I'm your host, Luigi Prestinenzi and I'm here to help you be the best you can be. Everyone has a potential to be the best version of themselves there can be. Sometimes things prevent us from capitalizing on that awesomeness that is sitting dormant inside of you.
This podcast is about helping you unlock your potential by focusing on one thing that can help you be the very best you can be.
Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. That's a quote by bill Bradley. And why is that quote so important today? Because I want to talk about the power of one. You have a gallon. What the hell is the pair of one? I mean, what are we on some spiritual capture? Are we on some spiritual journey?
No, you know, what we do in sales is actually a really simple process, right? We have a product or a service. We engage with buyers. We help them achieve a better outcome. We moved to a point of decision and a transaction takes place. That's ultimately what happens here, but the reality is getting boys into the pipeline and having more and more conversations so that we can mitigate the risk of not hitting our target and all that stuff that comes can actually be a real challenge.
And engaging with buyers today is harder and harder. And, and why is it harder and harder to somewhat say it's easy? I'll tell you why it's harder and harder. It's because there's so much damn noise out there. We're competing with a whole variety of things, not just competing with our competitors or the status quo, but we're competing with all the other interactions that the prospect and the customers are having.
There's so many different platforms. There's so much happening in this world. And even that people are working from, from home. And you think that have less distractions, there's more distractions than ever before, but the pair of one is a very simple concept. The next. You're about to mark a lead as closed lost.
You're about to say this person I've reached out to 10 times, 15 times, 20 times. It doesn't matter what your cadence looks like. Ask yourself. What's one thing I can send them. That'll help them today because that one thing could be the difference between you just marking him as closed, lost in your seat.
Or peaking their interest for them to want to know more. And that could be the difference between you just ticking off a piece of data or building an incredible relationship with someone that will help you be the very best you can be. I don't share many stories on my podcast about my past sales life, even though I'm selling today.
Right. But. I did that. I did that pair of one about 12 would be living years ago, 11 to 12 years ago with a very senior person from a very large organization. And I almost closed it off because he would not return my call voicemail email text when we didn't have many more channels. I mean, I did use LinkedIn, but he wasn't very active on that platform.
And I chose to do one. I chose to give him some sort of info that I thought he'd find valuable. And as it turned out it did. And he called me back. And last week on Friday night, I went to see the Australian open semifinal. Awesome. It following the great to be out, smashing a few beers. They had a burger. I mean, how good was that food, chicken burger.
And I was sitting with the. That responded to that piece of information. We'd become incredible mates and we've been on an incredible journey together. And at the time I signed one of the biggest deals in my career ran eight to $10 million was the biggest deal in my company's history. The 40 years I've been around it's because the pair of one, now you might be saying, but hang on.
You know, we can't apply that to every single. The reality is you can, that's in your control. We talk about in control, our control. That's the stuff that you can control. You can't control. If they respond, you can't control. If they engage with you, but you can control your activity, you can control the info you put in front of your buyers.
Now, once you ask yourself a question, a self-assessment question, are you following up with your prospect? Well, your customers just for the sake of following up and ticking a box, it doesn't matter inbound or outbound. Okay. Because inbound people go the power of inbound, inbound's inbounds gold and blah, blah, blah.
And you know what? That's all bullshit because I work with some pretty big companies that spend some serious, serious corn and inbound, and they're getting one, 2% conversion. And you might say, yeah, it must be because their sales process is shitting their salespeople to shit. No, it's not because inbound is not that the bucket of goal would everybody thinks.
So the reality is inbound rep and it doesn't matter. My question to you is what are you doing in your up? What are you doing to earn the right then engage with your prospect, to get them, to call you, what are you doing to make a change in their life? What are you doing to make a positive impact on them?
Because if you can't answer that question and the question is, well, I'm sitting in a really nicely crafted cold email, and I've got a really good pattern interrupt in my phone call. Cause that's all great, but that doesn't create value that doesn't help them choose. Well, that does it stops them to read or listen to what you have to say.
So my message this week is really clear. The power of one, all it takes is that one extra step, all the takes is that one piece of content all the time. He's thinking a little bit differently and thinking about how can I have a positive impact on them? How could I make them think? Well, I need to talk to this person.
So if this is a message that's resonated for you, or you think somebody needs to hear this, please like rate and share this. We bring this content to help you be the best sales professional you can be.
This episode was transcribed digitally, some errors may be present.