The Sales IQ Podcast

Mindset Monday: Embracing Challenge

August 31, 2020

The Sales IQ Podcast

Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.

In this weeks Mindset Monday Luigi discusses the need for you to embrace challenge and to flip the narrative so you are compelled to act and succeed.

This episode has no listed guests.

Welcome to mindset Monday by the Sales IQ . This podcast is about helping you unlock your potential by focusing on one thing that can help you be the very best you can be.

All our dreams can come true. If we have the courage to pursue them, that's a quote by Walt Disney, a man who had a dream and he pursued that dream, even true. Some incredible challenges. To create something that has been absolutely amazing. That's captured the hearts and minds of millions, of people all over the world and different generations as well.

Why is that quite resonating for me today? Because as we go through each week, we're now in September, the time is going fast. I saw, you know, a post where Christmas is only 16 Fridays. Oh, it might be less, you know, the days of rolling into each other's days. Right. So time's going fast to some extent, there's a lot of things that are outside of our control right now.

And it kind of like an ongoing thing. We kind of thinking, well, when is this going to end? And I think the reality is if we continue to approach everything that's going on with, when is it going to win? We're going to let things dictate and control us. We're going to let things impact the way we approach certain situations.

Yeah, this week. I want to talk, there's a very specific message I want to bring to you this week. And I want to challenge you to think about things with a growth mindset. Now you're probably going, I might've heard this before, have to have a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset. Yeah, sometimes it's okay to have a fixed mindset, but ultimately having a fixed mindset isn't necessarily going to enable you to be the best you can be.

It's not going to enable you to turn that dream into a reality. You could possibly sit on it and procrastinate versus taking action. So really want you to think about what are some of the things that are important to you at the moment? What are some of the things that you really want to take action on that have held you back that things, for some reason you haven't took action or you've just kept keep putting it on the too hard basket and I want you to stop.

And I want you to think about what is the narrative that you're telling yourself about that particular. Because that narrative is what will either stop you or compel you to take action. And we need to flip the narrative. So that's what a growth mindset is all about. It's about turning the word it's about turning the way we think about something and flipping it.

Instead of looking at, I avoid a challenge. It's too hot. I'm going to put these over here because it's too hard. I embrace that challenge. It's an opportunity for me to grow that language is super important because it's not what other people tell us. It's what we tell ourselves. So have a think about this.

What are some things that you've been trying to do? That you've just been holding back and write it down, write it down on the left. Say these are the things. Get a piece of paper, have two columns, things that have been holding me back, things that I've just haven't been able to do tasks. It just seem to continue to be a more to do.

So I did that this morning. I've got my to-do list. I'm looking at a task and going, what the fuck is that? Still there after three weeks. So it's going to get done in this morning of diarized it and it'll get done this week. And I don't know why I procrastinated on it, but tight the column, put things on the lift, things that, that, you know, you haven't been getting done, things that have even, even words or the way that you've been feeling about something and write it down.

Doesn't matter if it's negative, just write it down. And then on the other column flip, it brought the opposite, right? The positive attribute, write it in a positive way, because this is your opportunity that we have. It's turning the negative into a positive, it's flipping it. It's changing the narrative so that he can enable you to be the best you can be and not hold you.

Because ultimately in everything we do in sales, the majority of what we do sometimes it's not even the quality. The quality of our work is irrelevant. Sometimes the best thing that we can do is just take action is just take that positive step forward. So my message this week is really clear. Think about flipping the next.

Into a positive mode. Think about changing the way you look at something so that you can see it in a positive and enable yourself to have that compel yourself to take action and don't sit on it. And if you're finding the negative, if you're, if you're finding that you're negative about. It's challenge yourself to flip it and teach your mind that for every negative is a positive.

So guys, if this is a message that resonated for you, or you think somebody needs to listen to these please like, rate and share this message, because we do this to help you develop the growth mindset so that you can be the best sales professional, you can be.

This episode was transcribed digitally, some errors may be present.

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