Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.
In this weeks Mindset Monday Luigi discusses the importance of enjoying the journey and planning for success in the future.
Welcome to Mindset Monday by the Sales IQ podcast. I'm your host, Luigi Prestinenzi and I'm here to help you be the best you can be. Everyone has a potential to be the best version of themselves there can be. Sometimes things prevent us from capitalizing on that awesomeness that is sitting dormant inside of you.
This podcast is about helping you unlock your potential by focusing on one thing that can help you be the very best you can be.
The more difficult it is to reach your destination. The more you remember and appreciate your journey. That's a quote by Susan Galen. What does that quote resonate for me at the moment? Because I'm on a journey right now to get back to my level of fitness that oh, you know, have absolutely loved. I used to run a few marathons and it wasn't just the marathons that I used to enjoy.
Um, although there could be not so enjoyable. Right. But it was the training with my mates. It was the, the runs we used to go on together. The things we used to do in the bees we used to have after our runs, right. The bees and the best. Yeah. But I started again in like 2021. I'm going to start getting fit now.
So maybe I can put a couple of marathons into the calendar. Hopefully the. Bubble, we can start to travel again and I'll be able to go maybe somewhere to, to do a run cation. But the reality is it's very different. I went for a run the other day or trying to push myself and our struggled one would say a cocktail.
My, if I can't even run sort of 15 Ks, how the fuck am I going to run 42 guys? Right. And I was really finding it difficult. Part of my mindset was starting to really get into a negative point of view. And it wasn't until I actually stopped, it was actually quite a chilly morning. I stopped, I looked around and I thought, you know what?
The fact that I'm out. And putting one foot in front of the other and getting fresh air. It's a big thing. It's a great thing. And I think what we often do, especially when we have peaks and troughs and when I talk about selling, yes, sometimes things go well and sometimes things don't go so well, we've got to stop to think about, well, the destination is actually irrelevant because the journey that I'm on is where the growth happens.
Yeah. For me, that was a big realization to say, you know what? Don't worry about. The 42 Ks, the 42 Ks is actually irrelevant. What am I going to achieve on these? How am I going to be feeling each week when I make those micro steps of improvement that are get up each morning and not procrastinate and actually go, I'm putting my runners on, I'm getting out there and I'm getting it done.
How am I going to feel afterwards? So that's my message this week. It doesn't matter where we start. Don't focus on the destination. And I think I've said this a couple of times before on some of our mindset, Monday mindset clips, right? But the destination is absolutely irrelevant. We take this back to sales and we look at sales and go, how does this relate to sales?
Because so many people focus on the result. They focus on the outcome. They focus on. I need to build a me a box. I need to build whatever your target is. They focus on the outcome and they forget that there's a whole lot of other micro goals that need to be achieved along the way. To achieve that peak objective.
And that's where the focus needs to be. It needs to be on the journey. It needs to be is my mindset, right? Am I preparing myself for success? Am I building the right pipeline rhythm? Am I building the right pipeline activity so that I can achieve my ultimate outcome? Because when we focus on the outcome, we're focusing on the wrong metric and absolutely that metrics important, right?
We can live and die on that metric. If we don't meet it, sales is fucking brutal. We could potentially be performance, man. And we could potentially be in a really difficult situation, but if we're focusing on that, we're focusing on the wrong outcome. We need to focus on all the other things that make up that result.
So for me, my journey, my journey with running my journey with fitness, it ain't about the destination. It's about the growth that I want to occur during that process. It's about challenging my mindset and my beliefs that anything is possible that what I have achieved, I can do it. And I can actually be better at what I did previously.
So don't worry about the outcome. Put the outcome to one side, because sometimes I think that outcome can create anxiety that outcome can, can, can push us to do things that we don't necessarily. It's not going to bring the best out of us. And let's start to focus on being the absolute best version of ourselves.
We can be on that very step that we take. And just remember it doesn't matter about the step that you take. It matters that you're taking that step and you're putting that one foot in front of the other. So to wrap up my Monday mindset this week, my message is really clear. Forget about the distance. And focus on the growth that you make on that journey to being the very best you can be.
Now, if this is a message that's resonated for you or someone, you know, needs to hear this, please send it to them like rate and share it because we do this to help you be the very best sales professional you can be.
_This episode was transcribed digitally, some errors may be present. _