The Sales IQ Podcast

Mindset Monday: Facing Rejection

July 27, 2020

The Sales IQ Podcast

Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.

This week Luigi covers what you should be doing when facing rejection and how you can keep a positive mindset.

This episode has no listed guests.

Welcome to Mindset Monday by the Sales IQ podcast. I'm your host, Luigi Prestinenzi and I'm here to help you be the best you can be. Everyone has a potential to be the best version of themselves there can be. Sometimes things prevent us from capitalizing on that awesomeness that is sitting dormant inside of you.  

This podcast is about helping you unlock your potential by focusing on one thing that can help you be the very best you can be.

rejection doesn't mean you aren't good enough. It means the other person failed to noticed what you have to offer now inside. Rejection is often part of the process. We, he knows all the time. Sometimes we've built an incredible relationship with a prospect. We think we're going forward. Then all of a sudden they start ghosting us and we lift, scratching our head thinking what the actual, what did I do wrong?

The reality is when we come to selling, we cannot control. The decisions our prospects make, but we can't control the buying experience we create. So this week I've got one message might sound simple, but to some extent it's actually quite complex that messages don't focus on the, yes, don't focus on the sale, strip it back.

And yep. Mindset Monday. It's all about focus on the mindset. And when I say strip it back, think about what is that experience that you want your buyer to have? What is the experience you want to create for them? Because ultimately with everything going on right now, there's a lot of in things that are happening.

In an environment for your buyer that could potentially regardless what you do, stop them from making the decision to buy your service or product. Even when the business case to change is so compelling, your buyer just might have some conditions that are going to stop them from moving forward. Now, should we take that as feedback that we've done, something really.

Oh, we're not good at our craft. Now one would argue, you know, yes, yes. We, we possibly could have done something wrong, but ultimately the know the rejection. It's just part of everything that we do. And we think about some of the most successful people in business, you know, the Howard Schultz from Starbucks and how many times he got rejected until he was able to fulfill his dreams.

And I want you to go ahead after this in Google, how many times, how would shorts got rejected? He heard the word no. Or JK Rowling. How many times her manuscript got rejected until she got to that point of acceptance. Now there's two parts to this. When we get rejected, we can stop and reflect and think, okay, what part of the message?

Maybe didn't resonate. How can I go and look. What that no actually means because obviously, you know, at the end of the day, we want to actually take that feedback and improve what we do. But sometimes as I said earlier, it's not about what we did. It's the condition, it's the environment, our prospects, serene that will prevent them from moving forward.

And we shouldn't let her know or some form of rejection stop us from being the best we can be. Our journey to success is built on all these. It's built on people not calling us back. It's built on people not responding to our emails. It's built on people hanging up on us. It's built on people receiving our proposal and then ghosting us.

That is what makes great sellers great. That is what separates the top 1% for everybody else is our ability to embrace the no embrace the rejection and continue. Down the path of being the best we can be. And our repeat myself, it's not about ignoring the feedback. We oversee feedback or receive feedback on Friday night from a long-term client that I didn't want to receive.

He told me something that I did. Well, he perceived as I did wrong and I took offense to it. I personally felt or hurt by that feedback. Those words hurt. But then after I went through that emotion of, of being, I actually thought about it and thought, okay, if that's the way he feels, maybe I need to alter what I'm doing to make sure that feedback is taken and I can improve as a result of it.

And that's the growth mindset. That's the mindset of abundance. And so as we go into this. I want you to consider the nodes of what you to consider the rejection and pile and put them into two categories. Is it a no, is it rejection a rejection about what I did about the experience that I created and if it's not, then.

I can't control that I can't control the buyer, but if it's a no, because of something that I did, that I could improve on, how am I learning from that experience so that I can create a better experience for my buyer, because ultimately it's about us. It's about us because. The best we can be. And our job is to help the buyer through the buying process.

But as I said earlier, sometimes there's just not anything more we can do to get them to that point of decision. And they want to leave on this note. It's better hearing and no, they're not hearing anything at all because at least to know, we can find out why. That no is being delivered to us. And we can try to work through that either to help them through the process or to help us determine what we need to be doing differently next time.

So if this message has resonated for you or anybody else that you know, you think you could share with, please go ahead and share it like it, rate us because our quest is to help you be the very best you can be.

This episode was transcribed digitally, some errors may be present.

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