Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.
Do you ever wake up feeling flat? Lacking motivation and drive, to jump out of bed to chase your dreams?
Finding motivation each and every day can be challenging. When we are motivated and energetic it's fantastic, we can get so much done. Yet, there is an opportunity when we don't want to do things, when we are lacking motivation. Why is there an opportunity? Because we can learn from the process, we can experience the lows and how to move through it, and add the learning to our Belt of Resilience.
Welcome to Mindset Monday by the Sales IQ podcast. I'm your host, Luigi Prestinenzi and I'm here to help you be the best you can be. Everyone has a potential to be the best version of themselves there can be. Sometimes things prevent us from capitalizing on that awesomeness that is sitting dormant inside of you.
This podcast is about helping you unlock your potential by focusing on one thing that can help you be the very best you can be.
The only impossible journey is the one you never know. And that is a quote by the famous Tony Robbins. And why is that? Quote, my quote for this week, I've been giving a lot of thought to the term motivation, you know, there's so much content out there about what we need to do to get motivated and what do we have to do to stay motivated and keep grinding and keep pushing past that barrier.
But what about when you get to that point where you just don't want to do it anymore? What about when you get to that point? Where you're you really lacking motivation? Not just on a mass scale, but even on the, on the small, on some tasks that, you know, they need to get done, but you just keep finding an excuse of why they won't get done and you keep putting it off.
And I think we all experience it. And for those that say they're, maybe they don't well, fantastic. We'd love to hear from them, their strategies that they use to keep themselves motivated every single. But I think this is where the learning, there's a really cool learning that can come from the process of not being motivated.
I think it's, it's a cool opportunity to actually stop and assess and ask yourself, what is it about the situation that I'm in or what is it about the tasks that I need to do that is causing me a little bit of anxiety or that is causing me to lack that motivation and drive to accomplish something.
Because think about it, right? We work in, in sales, we work in marketing, we're out there trying to help people arrive at a point of decision and, and hopefully decide to do business with us. They have to go through the same process. They have to go through the same decision process to take action, to choose, to move forward.
Is that any different to the process we need to go through when we're trying to motivate ourselves to progress in a certain direction? Or do we get to that point? You know, do our prospects. They get to that point where they just feel like they're not motivated that the change in which they need to make as an individual or a business, they just lack that energy and drive to move forward, maintain the status quo.
It's actually more of a hassle to do. Then it's not. And I think this is a really cool topic for us to really consider because you know, being motivated a hundred percent of the time, it's hard. I'd like to think on one motivated individual, but I also know that with the peak of motivation, I also experienced the loads of not wanting to do stuff, putting tasks off, justifying on why I need to do it.
And I think it's okay to go through those, those, those points in time. I think it's okay to experience, you know, the low part that comes with the high, I think where the learning can come from, this is where we ask ourselves, you know, actually try to define what is it, that's slowing us down. What is it?
That's impacting us to lack that motivation to move forward, because if we can kind of break that down and poke a hole in it and really understand, then we can understand how we can move forward and accelerate that process, you know, of that lag of that slowdown period. And I think that in itself is an awesome skill to develop.
And that is my message for this week. Embrace the process of having no motivation. Or embraced the time when you have no motivation, don't fight it. Try to understand it, try to poke a hole in it, try to learn from it. Every experience that we have is an experience to learn and improve. Some will look at an experience, a negative experience in Guidewire.
That was shit. And others will look at it and say, you know what? Or grew as a result of going through. And I think daddy's what the alt that's what I love about selling. I make so many fucking mistakes in what I do, but I make so many. Positive. I do so many things in the positive that helped me be the best I can be that are helping people achieve better outcomes.
Every single day. I don't have all the answers, but I had the passion and determination live. And improve every single day. And I can only do that when I go through periods of, of low or I go through periods that are challenging. And again, my message is really clear. This week is embraced the time when you're lacking motivation, embrace the time when you don't have the drive and determination and that energy to drive forward.
And just ask yourself, what is it about it? And try to take a learning. And that that to your belt of resilience, because ultimately that belt of resilience is what allows us to progress each and every day on the journey to be the very best we can be. So if this is a message that resonated for you or someone, you know, needs to hear this today, please like, rate, and share it.
I do these to help you be the very best sales professional you can be.
This episode was transcribed digitally, some errors may be present.