Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.
Selling is the best profession in the world. However, it can be the hardest job in the world. There are so many things when selling you simply cannot control, but what you can control is the learning that can occur through the process.
During this episode, Luigi talks about the power of change and the impact that change can have. So ask yourself next time you need to struggle to overcome an obstacle: What change can I make that will help me be the very best sales professional I can be?
The journey and learning are priceless and worth more than any commission check you will receive from making a transaction.
Welcome to mindset Monday by the sales IQ podcast. I'm your host, Luigi Prestinenzi and I'm here to help you be the best you can be. Everyone has a potential to be the best version of themselves there can be. Sometimes things prevent us from capitalizing on that awesomeness that is sitting dormant inside of you.
This podcast is about helping you unlock your potential by focusing on one thing that can help you be the very best you can be.
when obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal. You do not change your decision to get there. And that message is from the great Zig Ziglar. And why do I love that quote? And why is that? Quote, my key message for mindset. Because I think the world of selling as great as it can bait the best proficient in the world can also be one of the hottest jobs in the world.
It can create challenges every single day that we must continue to deal with. But as I said last week, during my story about the cocoa challenge, do we let a few situations define who we are? Do we. A few, let downs a few things that don't go away, completely change the goal or the journey we are on.
Absolutely not. What we must do is consider the opportunity that's sitting in front of us to make the change needed. To help us on our journey to be the very best we can be. And I think if you're a sales professional, if you're going out there with the mindset that you're a professional you're out there, helping people make a change, making a positive impact in their business in their life, doesn't matter what yourself that, that is ultimately what sales is all about, helping someone achieve something better, but fundamentally what we must be thinking about ourselves.
Is if we are in a position where things aren't working in a way that we want them to work, then we must ask ourselves, is it an opportunity for me to make a change? Do I have to go back to basics? Do I have to go back to some of the skills that have helped me be the best I can be? Am I executing my process?
Am I creating the right environment for me to elevate and be that very best I can be, because that is what's so good about what we do every single day is doesn't matter what we do. We live in a world of abundance, especially in the world of selling. We live in a world of abundance. There's so much opportunity out there.
It doesn't matter if we get no after. No, it doesn't matter if people don't accept our proposal because at the end of the day, if we persevere, if we are persistent, we will ultimately reach that goal. And yes, that quote by Zig is so powerful because it's telling you doesn't matter what the obstacles don't change the goal.
We must be smart about the way in which we go about our journey to get to that goal. And if we can find that there's an opportunity to learn, we must embrace because it's the learning that will enable that. To be their very best we can, but it's the learning that helps us build our resilience shield, that shield, you know, the shield that you build, that no matter what people say to you, no matter what, what prospects say, they won't rattle you because it bounces off that shield.
That's what help helps you propel yourself forward each and every time to put one foot in front of the other. And that's what I want you to think about. That's a message that I've got this week. That is my key message for this. It's what are you doing to learn from the process? What are you doing when things don't go right?
Are you accepting them and just continuing on that path and persevering hustle and grinding and grinding because that's okay. But are you actually extracting all that value from the negative and challenges that can come in the world of south? Actually not even a world of sour, just in, just in life in general.
Are you taking the opportunity? That's sitting right there in front of. To learn and find that extra 1% and find that little bit extra about who you are because I've had, I've enjoyed some pretty tough days. And I can tell you, there are some days where I don't know what the learning is, but when I reflect the learning is incredibly powerful, have built another level of resilience have learned something about myself.
I did not know. And no sale is better than that. Learning no sale is better than that journey that helps us elevate who we are to be the very best we can be. And I want you to think about that as we progress through. And we're now moving into April, it's almost four months in 2021, and things are happening fast.
But don't let that opportunity to change it. Opportunity to learn that opportunity to elevate who you are so that you can be the very best you can be. Don't let that opportunity go to waste because that's ultimately what's priceless. That's ultimately what's worth more than any commission check, any contract, you sign the fact that you're building and building your capability to be the very best you can be.
So if this is a message that's resonated for you or someone, you know, needs to hear this today, please like rate and share it, DM them because I do this to help you be the very best sales professional you can be.
This episode was transcribed digitally, some errors may be present.