Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.
In this weeks 'Mindset Monday' Luigi discusses the power of commitment and the issues you can have when you aren't fully committed to completing your tasks.
Welcome to mindset Monday by the Sales IQ Podcast. I'm your host, Luigi Prestinenzi and I'm here to help you be the best you can be. Everyone has a potential to be the best version of themselves they can be. Sometimes things prevent us from capitalizing on that awesomeness that is sitting dormant inside of you.
This podcast is about helping you unlock your potential by focusing on one thing that can help you be the very best you can be.
there are only two options regarding commitment you're either in or you're out. There is no shit's theme as life in between. That's a quote from pat Riley and it's quite a fitting quote right now for me, because I've been thinking about. And what does commitment actually, Maine there's so many people you talk to where they're they say they're committed to achieve an outcome, right?
You talk to sales pros or whichever we, even yourself, you might be in this position that you want to achieve something. You haven't made that commitment to succeed. You coming up with excuses or reasons why you're not doing a certain action, you're not taking action on a certain activity that you know, will deliver a certain outcome.
They'll give you an example right now. I'm not in the best physical condition I've been in. And I would pride myself on the fact that every day it was a non-negotiable that had wake up in our exercise and my health was an absolute priority. It was a commitment that. And I was in and I was fit and I felt good.
And I ran my first marathon in 2013. I ran multiple marathons in a tick, the number of boxes, but now I'm not committed. And I do a bit of exercise to tick the box, but it's it's because I just feel like I just need to do it to get it done, but I'm actually not committed and I'm not focusing as much as I should be on my health.
Because of my deep commitment to work and yeah, you probably go, mate, that's a fucking cop out, right? Because I'm making a reason, I'm having an excuse as to why my fitness is not a focus. It's not a, it's not something that I'm committed to because I'm saying, well, I'm committed to my work. I'm adding in those extra hours.
But the reality is if I commit more time to getting fit, then I'm going to be performing. At a bit of level in my job. Now this is not a post. This is not a, a podcast, or this is not an episode. That's all about, well, why you should be fit. Cause it's far from it. It's about what are the decisions that you're making when it comes to being committed, to achieving an outcome that you want to achieve?
Are you doing it just to tick a box or are you actually saying I am committed to this regardless of how hard it gets. I am committed to taking action and taking every possible step to achieve what I'm looking to do. And again, we see this, I see this all the time where salespeople say are, want to achieve this outcome.
I've had a conversation with someone last week. He wants to be number one in his sales team, but he's not prepared to do what is required to achieve that success. Those non-negotiables, there's some basic things that he needs to do every day, but he's not committed. So he might be telling himself he's committed, but he's actually not.
And so my message is wake is really clear. It's go back a step. If you saying you're committed to achieving something, actually ask yourself the question, how committed am I? Because if you look in the mirror each morning, there's nobody else there. There's just you. Right? And you can tell people around you what they want to hear, what you, what you think will make you feel good.
But at the end of the day, The person you're looking back in that mirror is you, and you're responsible to you. If that's what you want. There's no point lying about it. There's no point telling yourself what you want to hear. And then coming up with excuses of why it's not getting done. And I say this because of there's a lot of excuses that are making.
That I have and it's August and I'm going all well, this has happened. So this is why I'm here and this has happened. So this is as a result of what's going on here. Fuck that, that he's excuses. That is what I'm telling myself, because I want to justify why I'm in I'm at a certain position. But the reality is for look in the mirror and say, why am I not there?
Well, it's because I haven't been committed. I've been telling myself what I want to hear, but it's not what I truly want. And then there's another conversation. Do I really want that particular outcome? It's a question is yes. Then I need to ask myself, well, for making that commitment, what am I prepared to give up to achieve that?
Because there's a consequence, a positive and negative consequences to every decision that we make. So my challenge to you this week, Thinking about the things that you're doing every day. Are you doing them to tick a box or are you truly committed to achieving a certain outcome and prepared to put in what's required to achieve that outcome so that you can be the best you can.
Yeah, if this is a message that you think somebody should hear or it's resonated with you. And you know, somebody that really needs to hear this message right now, please like share and connect this message with them because we do this because I'm committed to helping you be the best you can be.
This episode was transcribed digitally, some errors may be present.