Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.
Never overlook the power of simplicity - Robin Sharma
Being busy and being productive are two different things and being busy does't mean you are productive. This week, Luigi talks about how he has de-cluttered his day and removed the daily tasks that don't move the needle in a positive direction.
Focusing on too many things can sometimes limit focus and reduce the amount of energy that one can apply.
Make this week the week of making things simple.
Connect with Luigi
Welcome to mindset Monday by the Sales IQ Podcast. I'm your host, Luigi Prestinenzi and I'm here to help you be the best you can be. Everyone has a potential to be the best version of themselves. There can be sometimes things prevent us from capitalizing on that awesomeness that is sitting dormant inside of you.
This podcast is about helping you unlock your potential by focusing on one thing that can help you be the very best you can be.
never overlook the power of simplicity. That's a quote by Robin Sharma. And why is that my quote for this week? Because I want to talk a bit about our journey that I'm on, right. I've been on a bit of a journey and I've been, I try to share as much of my journey with you all each and every week, the highs, the lows, the challenges, the opportunities to good things, the bad things.
I try to talk about the things that I execute every single day. That's helping me be the very best sales professional I can be. And recently I made the decision to de complicate to declutter, to simplify what I do so that I can spend my time on the most important priorities that deliver. The outcome that I'm looking for that helped me get that one step closer to my overall objective.
One of the things that our pride myself on is my work ethic, my ability to get a lot of stuff done, but what I noticed, and especially given that the environment in which I've been working in over the past, sort of 15 to 18 months, I think the environment we've all been working with has changed. And that environment that changed the environment has actually impacted me.
And in some elements, it impacted me in a negative way. I didn't realize the impact until I've given it some real thought and looking at my tasks and thinking well on working hard on working long hours on busy, but am I productive? So I embarked on a bit of a journey and the journey that I've taken is stripping.
As much low payoff activity as possible, looking at the things that really matter and going, right, how can I make my day simpler? How can I spend more time on the things that matter the most and wow, what an outcome, the impact has been massive. The energy that I've been able to achieve from this process has been remarkable.
My sense of purpose. My sense of finishing a, the day going well, I really, I really enjoyed my day. So one of the things I want you to think about as you're listening to this episode is think about what are the things that you should be working on. And I know I've spoken about this before the high payoff activities, you know, they do it, delegate it, dump it, diarize it looking.
And this is not about time management. This is actually not about time management whatsoever. This is about making the complexity. Decluttering and removing things around you that prevents you from being the very best you can be. Now, that could be as simple as cleaning up the spice in which you work your work environment, it could be cleaning up your CRM.
Now I went through this same process. I looked at my CRM. I had. Some very robust conversations with myself. I had to look at some deals and really assess, are those deals real? Are they actually going to progress? Do I need to move them back? Do I need to move them to close? Lost? Do I need to have that hard conversation with myself?
So when you think about this great sales professionals, don't need to sit there with their manager and dissect their pipeline. They don't need to sit there and dissect each and every deal. They can have these conversations with themselves, but sometimes before. And sometimes what looks like it's good in our CRM doesn't really need to be, they shouldn't be there at all.
So this is my message this week. What can you eliminate in your day? What can you declutter from every single day? The days that you work to enable you to be the very best you can be to. The things that stop you from progressing forward. How can you find the simplicity in your day so that you can focus a huge amount of your energy into the tasks that really met up?
Because if you're able to find that focus, if you're able to find a way to actually remove some of those things that don't matter, you might find that your energy might skyrocket and your focus might score. And your ability to move one step closer to the outcome that you're looking for might be easier to achieve.
So if this is a message that's resonated for you or someone, you know, needs to hear this, please like, rate share this with them, put this content out there to help you be the very best sales professional you can be.
This episode was transcribed digitally, some errors may be present.