Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.
Aaron Sansoni is a best-selling author, international speaker, investor, global mentor, and Australian Of The Year and Enrepreneur Of The Year nominee. Aaron features in over 20 publications globally and runs a successful venture capital company with interests in events, media, technology, retail, and real estate.
Aaron has inspired the lives of over 2 million people around the world in over 100 industries and has shared the stage with business icons such as Sir Richard Branson, Arnold Schwarzenegger and world-leading speakers sucha s Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuk, Tim Ferriss and Dr. Eric Thomas.
Sit back, enjoy, and get inspired with our first podcast of 2021 featuring Aaron Sansoni.
00.20 - Lui Sets the Scene for 2021
03:56 - Introducing Aaron Sansoni
06:15 - Aaron explains Switching to a Weird Sales Creature
08:59 - Moments of Challenge
12:12 - Learning in the Pandemic
14:49 - Crisis Doesn't Occur Once
16:26 - Having Elon Musk as a Business Partner at SpaceX
18:12 - We're All Experiencing the Same Thing During Covid
19:57 - Growth or Fixed Mindset
23:38 - How to Make Change Happen
27:59 - The Importance of Meditation
31:10 - Aaron's Short Courses
33:26 - Thanks for Listening
[00:00:00] Luigi Prestinenzi: Welcome.
This is the sales IQ podcast. My name is Luigi Prestinenzi, and I'm on a mission to help salespeople be the best sales professionals they can be each week. We'll bring you a different message from thought leaders from around the globe so we can help you master the art of selling. Welcome to the first episode of the sales IQ podcast for 2021.
I'm super excited. I bet everything this year has to offer after what was somewhat of a challenging year. Last year, 2020 did deliver some really challenging times. And it was not stuff that we expected to go through, but I think when we reflect, and I know, you know, it's already, we're already a couple of weeks in and I took some time off.
Yeah. Some much needed downtime and I'll tell you what I could have had a couple more weeks off. I was really enjoying my time, just chill and relax into doing stuff around the home and not really being on social or mobile or anything like that, but I'm ready to get going. I'm ready to give 2021 to show.
And say, Hey, it's time to deliver on top of what was, even though 2020 was challenging for me personally, for our podcast, my business was actually quite a successful year. Um, and I think, you know, in reflecting and looking back, I think the awesome thing about 2020 years, yes, it did. It did deliver some unexpected things in, although at some times I found it quite challenging myself.
I think when you reflect upon it, there was a lot of incredible learning that we were able to take from it. And that's, what's exciting me about this year. So much on the horizon for us to look forward to. There's a lot of change happening. You know, there's a lot of opportunities out there, essentially it comes down to, and you've heard me say this time and time again, it'll come down to one of two things.
It's our mindset. It's a way in which we approach the opportunities that sit in front of us and how we take those opportunities or how we look at it from a mindset of a scarcity or a mindset of an abundance. I'm pretty pumped to get into what is going to be a full year. Now we've got a full calendar of events coming up, which I'm really excited about.
We've got webinars, we've got masterclasses, we've got other podcasts. He's going to be launching as well. So as they come closer to launch, share them with our listeners and also put them in the show notes so you can engage. And we've also going to be, we tearing up our content, which is really, really exciting.
We're going to be. Moving all of our podcasts across to different platforms and also put them into written format as well, and turn them into some articles and, and other ways that you can engage with our content. So I'm pretty pumped. And this week we have an incredible thought leader. Who's coming on.
Aaron sends Sony. He runs an incredible business. He puts events on, has insane entrepreneurs present. Um, and he helps businesses grow. And we're going to talk about, you know, what are some things that you can do to really grow and get yourself started for a big year? So look just want to say again, thank you for being on this journey with us.
Where are we going to be passing the a hundred episodes of the sales IQ podcast? I'm really humbled that I have so many listeners engage with us every single week. Um, to the back end of last year, I was a bit slack. We didn't do an episode every week for December, but, uh, we are committed to delivering an episode every week, this year, and we're going to have a, have a really full calendar of events and things that we want to share with our listeners.
So buckle up. This is going to be a great episode. Really set the tone for the year. And my next episode mindset Monday for next week is all about how to set up the year for success and look at goal setting performance metrics, and really give yourself that foundation to drive sales success. So enjoy the episode with Aaron
well, mate welcome to the show Aaron
[00:03:58] Aaron Sansoni: thank you for having me, man. I appreciate that.
[00:04:00] Luigi Prestinenzi: Yeah, I'm pretty pumped. And I'm a pretty excited to talk to you all about sort of rebounding from a crisis and, uh, you know, what people can do to, to develop the right mindset and, and actions that they can take to maximize the opportunity that's in front of us.
But before we get into today's show, we'd love to know a bit more about you mate, and how you started in the world of sales and.
[00:04:20] Aaron Sansoni: Yeah. Uh, well, I think, uh, it's a, it's a, it's a big story, but for me, I started off, uh, like most people I worked at MCAS. I think most people worked at Mackers. I worked at Mac, Donald Mack is, uh, and I, I learned how to mop.
There's a certain question at MCAS that you learn how to mop. Like I didn't don't, I hadn't, but I learned how to mold. Then, then after a while I decided I want to flip any burgers. So I decided to go into sales. It was anything I could find where I got paid on how good I am. You know what I mean? Um, of course I was really shit to begin with.
Uh, and so I was everyone's best mate. Uh, and, uh, couldn't sell anything. I was the person they came to to get all the information from and went to Joe blogs next door to go and, uh, to go and get, uh, the cheaper discount. Uh, so I then learned about sales and I kind of fell in love with sales early on because I really love the fact that if I worked hard, I got rewarded for it.
And, and, um, I got involved in selling everything door to door over the phone face to face service-based products based. Yeah. I tried everything, you know, uh, and I really, I, it was challenging and it was by far the best way for me to start in my entrepreneurial career was learning how to sell. You know, there's a lot of people that come out and come up with products and services that are.
I assure we're going to be absolutely winners, but if you can't sell to a customer, you don't have a business. If you can't sell it, we invest them. You don't have a business. If you can't sell to a team member, you don't have a business. If you can't sell the concept idea of the product, the service, everything in business and entrepreneurship is constantly selling and, and, and, and that includes physical products.
What you want, and even selling yourself, you know, getting out of bed, you know, selling your cell phone, you know, getting on a bed Luigi, and Disani want to be bigger and better, uh, us selling yourself and everybody else around you the whole time. So I love that. I learned that really, really early on for me.
And that was one of those transitions for me, where I. Well, got into sales. I got, I got good at it after not being great at for a long time. Cause I've found Luigi. I know you'd you, a lot of you guys that listen to Sean guys and girls are row salespeople, business owners. I found that when I learned sales for me, I remember.
When I first sat down to learn for all these sales gurus and, and I, you know, that the induction mammals, everything felt weird. It felt, it felt like you, you switch from being this human being into this, you know, into this kind of weird sales, Croce, and need to be. I felt like after I closed it, I had to grab a shower or something, you know, like I just, it didn't, it didn't fit with me.
You to sell this whole idea of, you know, this closing line higher and says only here, do you have a moment to speak to me about? And I'm just like, I just, I just like, I just, it didn't sit with me. And then, so I stopped and I had to create my own way of doing things. And, and, and at the time when I realized I was creating what would be the very first program I ever released 15 years ago, uh, to teach people about sales at the time, I was just trying to learn how to make some money.
I had to sell better because I really felt what I felt the way he was. I was his normal human. Then as soon as you and I started to talk about a product or service I had to switch into this is this person I wasn't, I had to, I had to start talking differently. There was always, there was always even like this pause when people kind of go, so I'm the, and then they start talking about their products.
I didn't like who I had to try and become to be the sales person. So I, I, I came up with my methodology, I suppose, of engaging, enrolling, converting, and then doing things in a bit of a different way that led to the point where, when it was time to speak about buying, it was this real natural thing. It was like, oh, of course you're going to buy, oh, no, of course you just told me all the issues.
You've gotten all of the reasons why you need this. Uh, you know, and, and, and, and I learned, I suppose, the strategy behind doing that. And then that launched me off into. Going into being an entrepreneur. But of course that was also my Achilles' heel as being an entrepreneur too, because I thought I knew everything as a, as, as an entrepreneur cause I could sell.
And, but then that led me to some other issues because I didn't learn all the other stuff in business. And, and, and that, that, that caused me to fall down a couple of times in business to
[00:08:17] Luigi Prestinenzi: you say that, right? Because I think for me, I come from the same school where we will put through those training programs and very kind of like a.
The picture of, of who you had to be, but I felt like a lost myself and I'm like the authentic me is what people do. Yeah, and yes, I was getting some results, but you wrong? I didn't, I didn't feel right about it. And you know, I remember that moment that I had that massive aha where it's like, well, people aren't actually buying my product, they're buying me.
Um, and I'm building, they're building relationship with me because they becoming my friends. Like, we're actually, I like who they are. They like who I am. Um, and so that was a bigger half a me and I just want to ask you sort of, you mentioned that you fell over a couple of times in business. Um, W, you know, was that in your career, having those moments of failure or having those moments of, of challenges, you know, impact your.
[00:09:13] Aaron Sansoni: It was massive. Uh, I, I I've had several challenges over my life. Uh, I've had, uh, in business, the challenges for me were I legitimately thought that I was, I was a bad-ass I'm like, I can sell, I'm going to start a business. Um, and of course in my first couple of businesses, I really did struggle to sell, but on top of that, because I thought I knew everything about sales, I actually didn't pay attention to the back end of the business.
Cause I kind of was like, Hey, I, if I make money that the rest will will sort itself out. Um, well, turns out, um, because I didn't pay attention to that. I actually had my accountant for about three years. We're looking after all my businesses. So I built a whole bunch of new businesses. I'm doing all right, but doing okay, like I could have done better.
Uh, but then after three. Uh, and, uh, it turns out the guy was embezzling. Oh. So he stole all of my tax money, my bass or new pay bass didn't pipe pyro, all taxed in PI. Um, super like just everything, you know, you can imagine for three years, and I was hiding it from me because when he would send me reports on like, how's it going?
I'll be like, well, I don't care. You know, like, I didn't care about the finance because it was never, my, it was never my. I can sell like in markets all good. And, uh, that was a real humbling moment for myself. Um, and, and, and my wife, when, you know, you're looking, you kind of go number one, you've got to pay the ATO back a whole bunch of money in a real, real quick hurry.
Or they're going to kind of start taking your assets. Um, I wish you didn't have all they're going to, you know, and so that was a real, that was a moment for me. I think, where I realized I had to do things a bit differently and I had a few moments before that, but that I just wasn't. I was just a bit of an idiot.
I didn't pay tax like that. Wasn't the first aha moment I had some before where I just thought I knew everything. And this is probably where my. My journey began with mentoring and coaching and speaking because I, and that was receiving it because I, I thought I knew everything. So I, and I hated reading.
I was shit at school, so I didn't read any books. I didn't learn. This was before online training programs and you know, all that stuff, Facebook wasn't even around, you know what I mean? Like it wasn't backing, you know, you could go and watch a webinar online. Yeah, 20, 20 15, you know, it was, it wasn't like that.
So I had to stop and realize one of my biggest challenges and that is, I don't know everything. And I, and I worked out the hard way and the hard thing I had to look work out in one of my other bigger challenges, that it always costs more money in lost time and in lost money to guess your way through your business.
Then what it does to pay someone who knows advice to tell you what to do, and there's going to fucking do it. And it took me a long time to understand that. And it costs me time, money, relationships are in business because again, I was, I was arrogant or egotistical, and I thought I knew everything. That's a cocktail for disaster in business.
And, and so for me, that was another aha moment for me. So it was a few things that a company, you know, what, even this pandemic we're in now and the recession that we're in. Yeah, I have learned so much over this time, you know, trying to stabilize the ship for, you know, 30 odd brands and businesses and investments and companies.
I mean, you know, it's, it's not that, you know, people think, you know, because I'm a VC that suddenly, you know, that you're not going to affect it. I mean, look, Richard Branson was affected. This guy has got hotels. Chips, he's got flight is got five and a half billion dollars, literally hit on every business that he has, but he survived and he will survive because of the character that he is and who he's going to be.
Others who get little bit of a, of a knock back because of COVID have fallen apart. So for me, I mean, I've got many. I've got, I've got, I've got an audio company. I've got education businesses. I've got, yeah, I've got a retail company. I've got all these businesses are affected by COVID that I've had to pivot around.
I've got others that are not affected by COVID that are in biomedical and stuff like that, but I've still had to learn how to pivot and do things differently and innovate businesses and, and overcome those challenges. And it was interesting. I was asked by a reporter recently. About, you know, how have you dealt with COVID so well, and I punched him a bunch of my students being young, so well, she like, how are they doing so well, how are you doing?
So I said, her honestly is because I decided to focus on myself. 1517 years ago to work on my mindset years ago, I'd been preparing for this before I even thought this was a challenge because I knew that I had to be ready. So when punches roll, when challenges tap it, I had to learn how to be able to pivot and challenge and change.
So for me, if I look back to my challenges that I had, one of the biggest challenges I've ever had, like in business, I said to you, he's funny out, someone's ripping you off to three years. That was more challenging to deal with then when the COVID hit, because I live has exposure, I was already exposed to so much challenge before this, that our corner was like, all right.
Another challenge, another challenge to do that. So, so it, I think that I learned a lot, but I really feel like there's the lessons both before COVID for me as an entrepreneur, as a VC, they, they they've been priceless. It's really
[00:14:19] Luigi Prestinenzi: interesting. I think what I'm hearing from, from. Incredible piece of advice is that regardless whether you're in business, whether you're in sales, it's not how you respond to that crisis.
It's what have you done to prepare before that? And how much time are you spending, building your mindset and your capability to cope with different challenges? Because I think. I mean, obviously this, this pandemic has been, you know, a massive shell shock for many people, but you're absolutely right. It's crisis.
Doesn't just occur once. There's going to be multiple things that occur. And I talk to sales professionals all the time, even entrepreneurs who are like, I need help, you know, my pipeline's empty and I've got no. And on eight on eight on eight quick action now. And I'm like, well, you know what? There's no silver bullet.
And, you know, pipeline is the easy, you've got to build pipeline. It's going to take time and it's gotta be a focus. And otherwise, you know, you're just going to go through that. I call it the fuck syndrome. It just goes up and down, up and down and sometimes it goes down and you never come back. Yeah. Um, and I absolutely love how you've explained, you know, that the whole process of 17 years of preparation to manage through this pandemic.
That's incredible
[00:15:32] Aaron Sansoni: As a learning points. I mean, like I went through 2008 night crosses and I had some businesses before then. I remember I was living in London at the time and I moved back to Australia, um, after being there for a couple of years. And I, one of my biggest regrets of the 2008 crisis is I didn't go hard enough
yeah, I I've been on the back of that. I didn't go hard enough, which I didn't, I didn't stop and go. Okay. What else can I do? I was kind of like everybody else was a bit like shell truck, like where this is going to go. Whereas in the last seven months, I've, I've done more investment works and deals in the last seven months.
And I've probably done two years before that because I just see that there's an opportunity. I'm negotiating. Um, negotiating more than ever before. I'm, I'm able to jump on the phone with a company that's looking for investment, uh, that that might be affected or not affected. And to start to drum up some really good deals that I really think going to have benefits in the future, you know, like, and I, and I think that, you know, like my space X investment, I'm Michelle, I'm a part shareholder in, uh, in space X, which is privately listed and having a loan as a business partner has been an amazing thing, but I got into are going to displace.
Uh, brought about the style of the pandemic and, and, you know, a few, a few of my people around me, like, how are you crazy? Why would you spend that kind of money now on space X? And remember, we hadn't even, we haven't even gone to the international space station yet. We hadn't even launched dragon. Like we hadn't even done the things we've done now.
Now it's like, you know, we were doing this. Yeah. You know, we were doing all these launches, but I knew that I believe in what the business is all about. I wanted to get involved in this and I knew that I wanted to make that happen. So what was a calculated risk has doubled its value in nine months, you know?
So when everyone else has gone on with what should I do? I think smart people are looking at making calculated risks because risk is within opportunities. There's always risks within risks. There's always opportunities, right? And that's why I type both. I don't just look for opportunities. I look for ways I can look into grow and change.
Um, and I did that investment right before I made your launch. And with. Everything went well, we just raised another $2 billion, uh, in the last couple of weeks for space X style. Starlink is now at a thousand for a thousand satellites, right around a steroid. Right, right, right around the world. Uh, we've launched the beta version of the, of the styling satellite, which is off the, which, which is a wifi right around the globe for 600 bucks a ticket.
Boss internet, which are about 200 gigabytes per second or something ridiculous now. So for me, I've gone harder this time. I bought businesses, even if it's micro equity or if it's larger investments or if it's even partnerships, the thing is bribe. If you speaking to somebody, I used to call, I used to have people come into my office or I'd go into their office to do a VC deal.
Right. Do you want us to like, to jump on a zoom call like this with somebody and be able to start a negotiation by asking how they're going to look up? Um, are you homeschooling? Is your family home today? Like from a sales perspective, think about the engagement fiber you have instantly from somebody when everyone in the world has this mutual thing, we're all experiencing.
Sales gold dust, gold dust, because everyone, one of the hardest things, when you first start doing any sales, anything to whatsoever is meet people where they're at engage with them because the products and services you've got to engage with them. Well COVID has given us globally, globally, a one piece of.
That everyone absolutely has gone through or has an opinion about. So you can start off every conversation by talking about that. So for me, I look at COVID and said, well, I'll be able to have large investment conversation or even partnership conversation with people that want to become new partners with.
We'll meet with them and start off with, how are you going to pandemic? How are you got kids or me too, right? I'm homeschooling too. We're gone for you, right? And you get to have these real conversations. And then you get to walk into, let's talk about doing a deal together and such what I call connection fibers, which is what I teach, which is a deeper level of rapport.
You get to build these amazing connection fibers with people that you've been handed on a silver platter because of COVID there's never been a timeline. You can see a major global event for that to be able to happen huge trigger event. Right. If you look at them, right. That's that's, I mean, I'm, I'm an opportunist.
I'm always going to have a look. I'm always, I'm always going to look at the positive side of what I can learn from it. And that's one of them, you know, that's. Yeah.
[00:19:56] Luigi Prestinenzi: But I think, you know, and this is valuable advice because I think for anyone, anyone can look at a situation with a growth or fixed. They can look at it with a half empty or half full or they can go, well, you know, It is what it is.
It's in front of me. There are things that I can't control, but this is what I can control. Right. I can't control the way in which I'm reacting the way in which I'm being proactive the way in which, on, you know, what I'm going to go and embrace what's happening. Because if I don't, I'm going to let the external environment control me.
And then I'm going to be complaining about the results that I'm not receiving. And this is, we see the. You know, I'm like, right. I spent a lot of my time, um, coaching salespeople, you know, and, and, and, and every day I spend all my days coaching sales pros, and you get the two difference, a high performers or more high performers during this last pandemic have just completely accepted.
Because they knew what they had to do. They knew, they said, you know what? I've I've, I've got a buckle up. I've got to put in more time
[00:20:51] Aaron Sansoni: performance in every discipline itself. Doesn't matter what the second out LeBron, James is one another rate. Absolutely. Absolutely. No way. Hamilton just won another champion, you know, like it's all hard performance.
Find a way to when you are. it's a mindset. It's, it's a, it's, it's a way that you look at your life, you come into your life and you say, well, how, how can I win at whatever the challenge might be? I'm going to win. I mean, people don't just win when the field is perfect. Well, if you win, when the circumstances are perfect and you've got to look at yourself and say, am I really winning?
You know, like I used to I'm, you know, my background in training, you know, I, you know, I would say to people, you're either going to be the person that wants it at once. Uh, you know, a, a chance. Uh, salesperson where he just literally scanning, like go past and you want to get paid for that or somebody who's going to go out there and actually create what they want.
And there, there is, there is, there is a lot to learn from this pandemic and that's the reason why I also encourage everyone. And you won't have to listen to it to stop and have some. Self reflection in this pandemic and site, where did I, where do I go really well at? Where am I really proud of what I've done?
Where am I operating the level? That really, I, you know what, I'm so proud of what I did here and here and here, because I didn't think I could, I could do that. But look at me, you know, the gym's closed down, but I still, I still worked out how I'm going run or I could go, or whether the opposite did the gym closed down.
[00:22:18] Luigi Prestinenzi: Yeah, it gave me the excuse to say no.
[00:22:21] Aaron Sansoni: And you're going to stop and reflect and say, if that was you, if you became, if you became the excuse factory, if you became producing all the BS reasons why you can't do something. Don't get pissed off is shitty stop and say, okay, I learned something that I was not really rattled.
And that was that when the time got toppled accounts, my health and fitness, I blamed everyone. I went below the line, right. Or when times got tough, like there's things that I've looked at and gone, Aaron, you could have done that better, but there's other things I'm going, you know what? I'm extremely proud of you and what you've done because you rose, you led, you stepped up when you needed to do.
And I do that in my life because I'm my biggest critic. I don't give a fuck about haters. Data's in disbelievers. I know me. So I'm just Greg. So if I'm looking at my loft saying, how can I improve on my lot more than I do? I'm the guy that literally comes out of the deal, comes out. It all stage comes out of the meeting.
And I, and I have a note pad. I write down pluses and monitors, what would I do? Well, what can I improve? I'm not going to do well, but going through world called the biggest deal I've ever done. And a bordering sit down in my office and write a list of what I did well and why can improve on because knowing that I've got to find those little inches that people out there that want to win pandemic breath session, they'll fall away.
[00:23:38] Luigi Prestinenzi: Aaron, I want to ask you look, you've been on the stage. You know, you share the stage with some of the biggest names, right? Gary V you got one coming up with Mark Boris. Um, one of my favorites from boost juice, right? Janine, I mean, the things that you do, the content that you put out is insane, right? Um, if, if some, if people listening to this guy, man, Aaron you're right.
I've taken the last six months. I've been sitting on my hands. Um, I haven't had that proactive growth mindset and I want to change. You've inspired me to change. Apart from the reflect. What's one thing that I should do immediately to make that change happen.
[00:24:15] Aaron Sansoni: Well, there's one thing that I got, I've got no really well for around the world.
And, and, and I take a route, I take a really practical approach to success. I don't speak about, I'm not, I'm not the get rich quick guy. Not much time for the audience. Something flows really well. Like for me, I'm like success in really fucking simple, right. It's really, really simple. And it starts with one of the things I've got nine and four around the world.
M A I N massive and immediate action, massive and immediate action because people, I watch people. I go, I used to go to a seminars myself. I still do, but not as many these days because I'm between them where I get a little masterminds, but I should sit there and let sodomy Ross, a lot of people writing to-do lists and they're writing these to do lists all they're doing Luigi's to getting to see the domain.
They go start a podcast. I'm want to do a website. I'm going to start a business. Yeah. I want to quit my job. I hate my boss. There are all these fucking lists down. They walk out of the room, they do nothing. And there for instance, Hey, errands back in towns want to go to an event and they rock up to 12 months later.
You know, I paid at 20 bucks and sit down in their seat and get it, get and get motivated for a day. And then, and then go back to their life that lived living by default and not living by design. And thinking for me is I can give you a thousand pieces of advice on growing businesses, VC, everything, but all of that is irrelevant.
It's totally irrelevant unless you learn the principle of M I. And immediate action. Massive means adding your armpits are now, this is important because every one of your listeners, including you and may have a different comfort zone, I have a comfort zone. It might be expanded because I've taken a lot more about more risks.
I was going to an even bigger, I was going to have smaller. So asking you is big, bigger than big enough that pushes me. So if you want to lose weight, don't go to the gym and go seven days a week. Right? Goshen fucking walk the dog. Right. Eat more green stuff and less shit. You know what I mean? Just start with the, you know, you start with the basics, right.
And then move your way up. But you've got to take action now, now massively and immediate. Whenever I went to these seminars and listened to be like, oh, you got to take action. The problem is taking action is a, has no time. Yeah, where'd you going to have a frame? Massive and immediate action. So if you'll think I need to start a business, registering your timeline, Barbie URL rich after a coach and Sandy, this help go to a friend and say, we need to get in business.
If you you've got to start taking massive immediate action. What have you learned? Because if you don't, all you do is you go around lots of looking for all the Douglas. Right. Absolutely dumping around going, oh, I want to read that book. Yeah, you go and you pick up a book, you read it and you go, oh, that's a great idea.
I'm going to highlight that idea. I'm going to know, tap that idea. And then it goes back on your shelf when it becomes shelf education, health education. And that's the challenge that people like to learn that people run away from action. So it's old piece of advice. It's massive. And immediate now, as you like, while they're listening to all the podcasts I would do, I would not be spending if someone picked up that phone, right.
Closed the podcast, still listening in the background and started to text me like, Hey dude, we need to stop this business. Now time, massive. It's only getting older. It's like this. And if you don't have, you don't have kids, you kind of believe it doesn't. But when you have kids, you kind of thing get bigger and bigger.
And it's just like now I can't tell people enough.
[00:27:40] Luigi Prestinenzi: My listeners will know Aaron, because one of the key sayings that always say. Education or training with an application is simply entertainment. And there's a lot, bit of ways to get into time by may. Right. So, you know, and that's one of the things that I think, I mean, I follow your content pretty intensely.
Um, you know, one of the things I haven't been able to master yet, Aaron is. The meditation. I know you do it every day. Well, partner tells me I've got to do more of it, right. Because, um, and it is something that, and you're right. You know what, my commitment to you and my listeners today you've said, massive action.
He's I'm going to start on my own and do it today. I'm going to, I'm going to do a bit of.
[00:28:21] Aaron Sansoni: There's a thousand ways. I bet you, you meditate without knowing it. I bet you meditate without even knowing it. When you, when you drive a car and your, your driving your car in a way you always drive your, operate, your car, you're doing something repetition or you're swimming, or you're in the shower.
Or if your, uh, any of these things would repetition that that's that's that's meditation. Anything you're doing with repetition is, is, is, is, is. If you ever listened to a song that makes you feel excited or makes you feel calm, that sound healing meditation. That's two types of meditation so far,
[00:28:56] Luigi Prestinenzi: because all listen to a bucket load of music, right?
[00:29:00] Aaron Sansoni: You sit down, I'll listen to what had to do with my family. Last night. I may be worse last night, I've got a Nazi music in the background. We always do that. We always have beautiful dinners together. Me being there in that moment and being present and listening to what's happening. That salmon. I can hear my kids laughing.
They're awesome in the pool. And that sound healing meditation because I love that noise. Right. So there is so many ways to meditate. You have to sit down, cross your legs, cross your arms, and hum like a fucking idiot. You can just find a way that's terms. You know what I mean? Like that's the myth that be what I realized is like, well, if I have to exercise, I've got the.
If I want to meditate, I'm going to sit down and cross my arms and where to get up and go and do that. So you can, if you can bring meditation to little parts of your life, sometimes I sit down and I can do a proper deep meditation, which is what would be more of a guided meditation. Right. I could do that.
Right. But sometimes I've done. So sometimes I might be in the ocean in the morning, swimming stop for a moment. Let the sun hit me if the sun's out, because it sounds a little bit. Being that moment. Right. In, in, in, in, in, in, in, uh, in, uh, you know, listening to the sounds of night shop, being there for a moment, quieting my mind, getting really clear on where I want to go and medicine, motive, meditation.
So it's. A certain time, if you can learn to quiet your mind and spirituality is about inner peace and balance. Yeah. Angels thing, they can bring you in a peace and balance is a level of spirituality, right? So anyone that says I'm not spiritual, anything that brings you into peace and balance, you go out.
If you love playing basketball, you got to play basketball. That's bringing you into peace. That's spirituality, right. And there's other people, different things in that loft do that for them. So if you think about meditation, this is how many providers. And one of the things I try and let people know is that I don't sit down there for four hours in his deep level of limitation meditation, you know, where I can go out there.
I've just got certain times that he has certain things that keep me sharp, focused, clear, and I would make really good decisions in my day as well. So I encourage you listeners to go and work out different types of meditation. They into.
[00:31:00] Luigi Prestinenzi: Well, mate, you've inspired me, man. Like I've actually, and you've actually helped me learn that I'm doing it in some, in some aspects, but I, I didn't, I didn't realize I was doing it.
So you've inspired me and look, Aaron, we could talk for hours, man, because I think we, we share, um, you know, many ways of thinking and, and I'd love to pick your brain further, but I know that we're limited for time, but, um, for our listeners, if they want to connect with you or learn more about you and we'll put it in the show notes to some of your upcoming events, um, but where where's the best place for them to find.
[00:31:29] Aaron Sansoni: Yeah, well, we just released, uh, we, I spent a little bit of a little bit of, COVID actually building a whole bunch of new short courses because up until recently, the way GP wanted to work with me, it was only some of that bigger kind of. But over the last couple of years, I've got a whole bunch of coaches and, uh, and, uh, people that are qualified and what I teach and also a whole bunch of short courses, but I've got a TV studio in Melbourne.
So I actually went back to the drawing boards and built a whole bunch of really crucial courses. So what I've done is I've got these courses, one's called star one school, one school grow one school scale, and depending on where people are at, and we've got this really cool, you know, a really accessible.
Uh, you know, really easy investment. No, the idea they, they, they really economical, uh, trainings to get started. So people interested, they can head over to my website, errands, and there's a tablet of short courses and there's one called start, build, grow and scale, and you can learn all the information on it.
You write the name and then 20 and you get a 20% discount off. So if it stops. And go check that out. Like I think one of the things I've learned is I'm not gonna sit here and say, listen, Hey, download my book because not everyone needs to book. You know what I mean? Like some people just need to take massive action and go one at a scale.
Cause they're to, you gotta be able to come to me with a million dollar business. And then one our scale, I was counting me and they've got a little bit of an idea, but they've never done anything with it. We'll go spend, well, I've given you a discount code now, so it's not even a hundred bucks, like 80 bucks on a stock course and go learn how to start the business properly with.
The proper structure, the proper things that I use learn the basics in that program. So my target would be going and find out which course is right for you. Go and do that. Um, they they're brilliant courses. They really economical and they've been really well shot too out in our TV studios. There's a whole bunch of templates as well.
So those out go do those. I mean, I'm a big ones that we'll learn and, and execution on the back of those learnings as well. So that will be the best thing. Start, build, grow, and scale, and they can find those short courses.
[00:33:25] Luigi Prestinenzi: Awesome. So we'll put the show notes in there for everybody. We'll also put your LinkedIn profile and are you pretty active on Instagram?
So we'll have it out there for everybody. But mate, I just want to say thanks for coming on the sales IQ podcast. Also, thanks for your contribution to the business community and the sales community, man, because people like you are the reason why our profession continues to be elevated. Um, outside of that, you know, traditional, stereotypical shark mentality, um, you know, it's a profession, what we do, man, and we have a responsibility to our buyers to help them achieve better outcomes.
So thanks for your. contribution.
[00:34:00] Aaron Sansoni: Well thank you for what you're doing. Right. You know, one of the very first campaigns I ever did Luigi years ago was called sales is cool again. Yeah. It was video that we did. It's so old. I'm gonna try and find is like 15 years old. And he had huge views. I mean, we're talking huge views and it was a Backhouse sales is cool again.
I brought you a service that can really help a person. Then you have a deep level of obligation to learn how to sell that thing. And, uh, and it was really launched. My career is thousands. Cool. Again, campaign. And, uh, and it's, it's still true to my heart. That if you have a great product, you have a great service.
You have grading tests. Then you needed to learn how to sell because you are not helping people by them saying, let me think about it. So thank you for what you're doing and bringing together people to share these messages, because we do need people around that are willing to stand up and be leaders. I can't do it all myself.
I don't want to do it all myself. We need others even to stand up and do it as well. So well done to you and thank you so much and we'll go and you'll have success.
[00:34:55] Luigi Prestinenzi: Thanks, Aaron.
This episode was transcribed digitally, some errors may be present.