Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.
"There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs." - Zig Ziglar
Forming habits can be the best and worst thing in the world, and trying to break bad habits can be very challenging. So why are we focusing on our habits? Focusing on the activities we do?
Instead of focusing on your habits and the activities you need to do each day, try focusing on who you are...the values that sit within, and watch as your habits start to reflect the inner you and how they align to your core. See how much easier it is to make good new habits...and break the bad habits.
During this episode, Luigi talks about creating an environment that works for you and the stage of life you are in. Getting up at 4 am, as great as that is for some, might not work for you, so it's important to find a routine that allows you to be the best you can be. Your habits must be aligned to your values, to what's important to you.
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Welcome to mindset Monday by the Sales IQ Podcast I'm your host, Luigi Prestinenzi, and I'm here to help you be the best you can be. Everyone has a potential to be the best version of themselves. They can be sometimes things prevent us from capitalizing on that awesome that is sitting dormant inside of you.
This podcast is about helping you unlock your potential by focusing on one thing that can help you be the very best you can be.
there is no elevator to success. We have to take the stairs and that's a quote by the famous Zig Ziegler. And why is that? Quote my quote for this week? And so I think about sort of the habits to habits that we need to embed in ourselves, the habits that we need to develop. In order to achieve the outcome that we work towards.
I think about the habits that we need to do, and I've been thinking deeply about this. And one of the things that I've come to the realization is, is habits. Aren't things that we do, the habits of things that become part of us. And I think when trying to create the right environment to be the best you can be, there's things that we do.
And there are things that are part of our. And I think what allows us to create a sustainable model where we can achieve the best where we can aim for that extra 1, 2, 3, 4% is when we move away from things we do to create the values that sit within us that become part of who we are. And I think about that in my own.
Fitness and fitness is a very important part of my life. Given some of the health challenges that I've had and fitness, isn't something I do. It's part of who I am. And I think one of the challenges that we experience is we try to find short term habits. We try to find short term things that will give us short-term outcomes.
And often those short-term things that we do don't deliver us. Long-term benefits. And I'll take it back to the world of selling, right? So, you know, if you don't prospect every day, prospecting is not become a habit for you. What happens is you might do a, a period of prospecting. You build your pipeline, you close some deals, you're feeling great.
And then you look back and go, fuck my pipeline's empty again. And then you go through that emotional ride of. And yes, you can embrace that part of selling and go, right. I need to make some changes. I made some need to need to adjust the things I need to do so I can get that short-term activity going again.
But the problem is it doesn't become part of your everyday routine. And that's my message for this week. Think about the stairs in which you need to move up on to get to that outcome. You're trying to achieve, think about the habits that have to become part of who you are. That allows you to make that progress forward because it's about creating a sustainable environment for yourself to be the best you can be and move away from those short-term tactics that yes, they might give you short term programs.
But it's not something that will allow you to achieve that, that long-term outcome. Now, there are so many gurus out there that talk about, you know, you got to get up at 4:00 AM and you've got to do this, and you got to do that. I think the other thing, part of this message this week, it's, don't worry about what people say you have to do, create the model that works for you.
Now. I get up early every day. I like to get up early every day because it allows me to be home and switched off earlier so that I can be with my family. But in other times in my life, there's been times where I've had to work a bit later, just because of certain circumstances. So I alter my routine. My life.
And I think through everything that we do, you know, people have kids, people, people is there's changes in people's lives and people's lives will ultimately impact that routine. So fundamentally there's no right or wrong in the routine you create. It's the routine that you create. That's right for you.
But ultimately what we need to do is create the right habits that sit ingrained in our values in our system. And it's not about the things that we do, it's about what becomes part of us. And that's that transformational change that is so important because I don't want to create short term habits. I want to create things within me that intrinsically motivate me to achieve the long-term success that I'm trying to achieve.
And that's my message. Threaten look at the things you need to do. Don't look at the things that you do. Look at the things that become part of who you are when try to achieve the outcome you're looking for. Now, if this is a message of truth that I have for you or someone, you know, needs to hear this please like rate and share it, because I put this content out to help you be the very best you can be.
This episode was transcribed digitally, some errors may be present.