October 5, 2022

Burnout, Uncovering Opportunities, and GIFs, With Nicholas Thickett

In this episode Luigi is joined by Nicholas Thickett, Managing Partner at Alignd, and Co-Host of the B2B Power Hour Podcast. First they explore the hazards of the industry (burnout, economic conditions) and the unexpected opportunities you can discover within them. Then they switch into tactical mode to cover taping into your buyer's vision using insight, why you should be multi-threading, how to determine what you should research, and using GIFs to help make you human.

The Sales IQ Podcast

About the podcast

Join us as host of the show Luigi Prestinenzi talks to thought leaders from around the globe about the art and science of sales and marketing, personal development, and the mindset required to sell more everyday. Luigi is a master of creating pipeline and breaking down targets, he specializes in helping sales professionals build the mindset to achieve greatness and #bethebestyoucanbe.

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