Revenue predictability is more critical than ever before. Having the right level of visibility and insights into the forecast enables the business to make the right decisions, plan, and adjust or pivot as necessary.
But why is forecasting so difficult for revenue teams? Our panel will share their instincts and expertise on:
45 minute panel discussion + 15 minute opportunity for audience questions
Kyle Himmelwright
Head of Revenue Operations @ Birdeye
Kyle is an experienced revenue growth and enablement leader with a focus on strategic planning, organizational scaling, and business operations. He’s thrilled to see the explosion of interest in Revenue Operations and has a passion for how RevOps can act as a driver to tackle the most complex challenges of business.
Kyle is currently the Head of Revenue Operations at Birdeye, and has prior experiences at Yelp, Fiat and Optymyze. He earned his MBA from the Villanova University and BA from Valparaiso University. He currently lives in Scottsdale with his wife Chrissy and their puppy.
Host of The Revenue Architect Podcast
Jeff Ignacio has a swiss army knife background ranging from consulting with Accenture, FP&A at Google, and scaling startups in revenue operations capacities at both Visier and UpKeep. His deep understanding in aligning both strategy and execution has helped to build the infrastructure needed for VC backed Series A/B startups as an operator and advisor.
Jeff is currently the Host of the Revenue Architect Podcast, a podcast focused on providing real value for operators. He also serves as an Advisor to Scratchpad, Sonar, and Syncari; and lastly as the co-chair to Pavilion’s LAX chapter.
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In a changing economy, resources are scarce and sales teams need to be performing at their best. But with sellers often overwhelmed by training, or paralyzed by strategy/execution gaps, how do you enable them to succeed? In this webinar join Tony Hughes (best-selling author and keynote speaker) and Carol Johnson (Senior Director, Sales Enablement at Salesforce) as they share how to provide your team with what they actually need to thrive in this new economy.
Learn from our panel of experts as they discuss what Sales Enablement looks like in a virtual world.
Getting inside your buyer’s bubble is more challenging than ever. A noisy marketplace, the algorithm, economic challenges, and remote-first work all mean maximum effort is needed to even temporarily draw their focus. Or does it? Join experts from Lusha, Outreach, and Sales IQ Global as they share how to align your platforms, data, and methodology to reliably get you in front of the right buyers.